Estirpe PICUAL
Estirpe PICUAL, is an Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil, of Premium quality, obtained from olives from the Puente Genil region, cultivated in a traditional way and obtained only by mechanical processes. It is made with a mixture of olives of 80% of the Picual variety and 20% of the Hojiblanca variety.
The Picual olive variety gives it a very powerful and spicy flavor in just the right measure. This variety of olive is the spiciest that exists. And the Hojiblanca variety reduces the bitterness and spiciness a little and gives it a set of nuances that make it a tough, strong and delicious EVOO at the same time.
As it is an unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil with this mixture of olives, it has an extra flavor. We can use them to enrich our daily dishes, providing a unique flavor.
Among the main characteristics of Picual oil is its stability to oxidation, to go rancid, and its good conservation before high temperature frying.
Its spicy and intense flavour also makes it suitable for consumption raw, on bread, salads, and is highly recommended for stews and fried foods.
Its analysis shows us an acidity of 0.20, and a polyphenol content of 419 PPM, which guarantees its high quality and high antioxidant properties.
It is a very special Extra Virgin Olive Oil, for lovers of spicy and intense oil in flavour and nuances, with unique aromas from the land of Puente Genil.
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Additional Information
Type: Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, Aceite de Oliva de categoría superior obtenido directamente de aceitunas y solo mediante procedimientos mecánicos
Origin: España
Nutritional Information (per 100g): Grasas 100g, de las cuales Saturadas 13g. Hidratos de carbono (y azúcares) 0g. Proteínas 0g. Sal 0g.
Manufactured and Packaged by: Mi Oliva Gourmet Sur SL - NºR.S. 16.005415/CO
Address: C/. Ferroviarios 41, 14500, Puente Genial, Córdoba, España
Storage Conditions: Conservar en lugar fresco y seco y recomendable protegerlo de la luz directa del sol
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