Arraigo Arbequino Single Varietal - Season 2021/22
Here you can buy Arbequino Single Variety Extra Virgin Olive Oil, an intense and smooth oil at the same time. Its intensity is due to the fact that, being single varietal, the intensity of its nuances is concentrated and soft, since it is the EVOO that has the least spiciness of all the varieties. The production of this Oil is very limited, now I will explain why ;)
In the first place, it is an unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil, that is to say, a short decantation process is carried out, which preserves some suspended particles from the olive’s own vulva, which enhances its flavour and qualities.
Its flavour is intense, typical of olive verasion, just when the olive changes color. In addition, this olive usually has a very low yield, around 16-18%, that is, it takes about 6 kilos of olives to produce just 1 liter of oil.
It is a very special Extra Virgin Olive Oil, with a light green colour and a unique and intense flavour. That green colour turns golden as the suspended particles of the unfiltered EVOO decant. So it is an Olive Oil that we recommend you keep protected from light and heat at all times, it is an EVOO that is as delicious as it is delicate
Its acidity is less than 0.2, which makes it, among other things, an extraordinary EVOO.
For all these reasons, Migue has decided to make this single varietal but very little, only 2000 litres, although they are a real delicacy!
Be sure to taste this Arbequino Extra Virgin Olive Oil, it is a unique experience.
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Additional Information
Type: Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, Aceite de Oliva de categoría superior obtenido directamente de aceitunas y solo mediante procedimientos mecánicos
Origin: España
Nutritional Information (per 100g): Grasas 100g, de las cuales Saturadas 13g. Hidratos de carbono (y azúcares) 0g. Proteínas 0g. Sal 0g.
Manufactured and Packaged by: Mi Oliva Gourmet Sur SL - NºR.S. 16.005415/CO
Address: C/. Ferroviarios 41, 14500, Puente Genial, Córdoba, España
Storage Conditions: Conservar en lugar fresco y seco y recomendable protegerlo de la luz directa del sol
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